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If you spot signs of a woodworm infestation, you might wonder what steps you need to take next. Can you forget about woodworm, in the hope that the infestation will disappear on its own? If you leave it, will it cause a small amount of damage that won’t cause problems?
Woodworm can live for many years inside timber in the home. From floorboards to joists and even furniture, it can thrive without you even realising it is there. So, when you spot woodworm, should you take action and does woodworm need to be treated?
If you spot woodworm in your home, you will need to treat it. After the adult beetle has laid its eggs, the larvae burrow into timber. Once inside, they begin eating and can cause a lot of damage. As they remain inside for many years, they will cause timber to become weaker, and this can become a risk to your home.
There are many different treatments available. These include DIY treatments, such as products that contain boron or permethrin. You can also use natural remedies that could help to remove the infestation.
If the infestation is too difficult to tackle yourself, you could request professional help. Whatever option you choose, woodworm does need to be treated.
What Will Happen if You Ignore Woodworm?
Woodworm can go undetected for many years. As they remain hidden inside timber, they eat away at the wood, causing it to become weaker. This might sound like it won’t cause a problem, after all, woodworm are small and harmless, aren’t they? But this is not true.
There are many different types of woodworm, such as the Common Furniture Beetle, which can cause extensive damage. This is just one species and there are several more. Also, there are other wood boring insects, such as the Wood Boring Weevil. Any of these infestations can cause high levels of destruction in furniture and structural timbers.
Whatever woodworm has infested your home, you simply cannot ignore them. From the moment you spot signs of an infestation, you should act fast to treat it. If you ignore woodworm, they could cause significant problems for your home.
The damage they cause can vary, but the longer they are left untreated, the more damage they cause. Furthermore, the damage will depend on the species, the infestation size and what has been infested.
If left, they will continue to eat your timber and cause more damage until they emerge as an adult beetle. If woodworm is found in timber joists, load-bearing wood, roofing, rafters, or structural timber, then the infestation can become a very serious issue. Along with this, the cost to put the damage right could amount to thousands of pounds, and the infestation could spread further.
Popular DIY Woodworm Treatments
Fortunately, there are several DIY treatments you can use to clear your infestation.
The Soluguard Woodworm Treatment contains 0.25% permethrin which is double the strength of many other products. The treatment works to combat all lifecycle stages of woodworm.
This means it will kill the infestation, regardless of whether you have adult beetles, eggs, or larva. It is highly effective against many different types of woodworm such as the Common Furniture Beetle, Death Watch Beetle, Powderpost Beetle, and the larval stages of each. This treatment is simple to apply and can be done by using a simple DIY sprayer.
You can learn more and read reviews here
There is also another popular treatment available called Boron. This is a treatment that is water-based, so it poses no risks to other insects or mammals. As a result, it only kills wood-boring insects.
This treatment does not give off unpleasant odours and it works quickly to soak into the timber. You prepare boron by dissolving the solution in water. This can be made in various quantities to cover different size areas. It is then applied by brush, although you should wear a dust mask and gloves when you apply it.
Natural treatments
There are also several natural treatments that people have had success with. Some of these include:
White Vinegar – This natural remedy can help to remove woodworm. You can use a mixture of white vinegar and lemon in a sprayer. You can then spray it on all surfaces that have an infestation.
Fresh Acorns – The smell of fresh acorns attracts woodworm. Place a few acorns wrapped in cloth on wooden surfaces. The beetles will emerge and lay their eggs on the cloth, making it possible to remove them with ease.
Mint and Lemon – You can make an infusion of mint and lemon. Infuse mint and lemon over a heat and then allow it to cool. You can then apply it to furniture or timber to protect it.
Boric Acid, Ginger and Water – Mix these ingredients together and then brush over the surface of your wood. You can also put it inside holes or cracks where larvae could be feeding.
Essential Oils – You can use essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, rosemary, or eucalyptus. Mix them with water and spray over surfaces. If there are any visible holes, then you can inject the mixture into them. Repeat this process over several days to help remove woodworm.
Common Professional Woodworm Treatments
If you don’t feel confident enough to tackle the infestation, or think the infestation is too large, you might need to call professionals.
Professionals will also use Permethrin as a form of treatment. They will apply this using a low pressure sprayer over large areas. It will then penetrate the wood and kill the woodworm beetles and larvae.
Another treatment is a paste or gel that professionals apply to the surface of wood. When the beetles emerge, they will come into contact with the chemicals. This will kill the beetle and prevent further infestation.
Fogging treatments are also available to treat under floorboards and flooring. The treatment is applied underneath a length of floorboard, but it won’t affect carpet or furniture. Once the rooms have been treated, you will be able to use them again in a few hours.
There are also fumigation treatments available including ProFume. This is often used in commercial premises, although it can be used around the home.
You should never ignore a woodworm infestation. From the moment you spot the vital signs, you should look to take action. If you do not treat the infestation, it will continue to cause damage. that could cause structural problems and additional costs.
There are many different treatment options available, which means there is usually a good simple solution to any kind of woodworm problem.